Infra red saunas

As you relax in the gentle heat infrared sauna, your body is working hard, make a sweat, burn calories and pumping blood. Infrared saunas require conventional high-temperature air to attract impurities from the body, but our infrared sauna and hot water can penetrate up to 45 millimetres in a big body to Detox treatment. Typical sweat produced under normal conditions of water containing 97% and 3% toxins.

Heat generated from an infrared sauna is found to be 80-85% 15-20% of water and toxins. Infrared saunas can help treat cellulite (a gel like substance that consists of water, waste and fat are trapped in pockets under the skin) as plentiful sweat this form to help clear debris from the body unwelcomed. European beauty specialists confirm that the infrared sauna sessions will accelerate all very anti-cellulite program! As the body increases production of its own cold sweat, your heart work harder pumping blood at a greater level to increase circulation, provide the benefits of continuous power.

Installing Components

Components are Joomla's content elements or applications that usually appear in the center of a three column Joomla layout, or on the right of a two column Joomla layout. Components are core elements of Joomla functionality. Joomla core components include: Banners, Contact, News Feeds, Polls and Weblinks. Members of the Joomla Community are producing third party Joomla components on a continuous basis. Let's try in this tutorial to install one component. First, choose your desired component and let's start.

Log in your administration section.

On the top menu go to Components-->Install/Uninstall. You will see now a list of components already installed on your site. Under that list you will see "upload new component" section. (under that you will see a list of directories. be sure that all that directories are writeable) Press "browse" and go to package you want to install. Select it and upload the file.

The next screen will show you if the comonent was installed succesfull.

For different components configurations we will make another tutorials. So, stay close.

Installing Modules

Modules extend the capabilities of Joomla giving the software new functionality.Modules are small content items that can be displayed anywhere that your template allows it to be displayed. Modules are very easy to install in the Admin Section. Joomla modules may include: Main Menu, Top menu, Template Chooser, Polls, Newsflash, Hit Counter, etc. Members of the Joomla Community are producing third party Joomla modules on a continuous basis. Let's try in this tutorial to install one module.

First, choose your desired module and let's start.

Log in your administration section.

On the top menu go to Modules --> Install/Uninstall. You will see now a list of modules already installed on your site. Under that list you will see "upload new module" section. (under that you will see a list of directories. be sure that all that directories are writeable). Press "browse" and go to package you want to install. Select it and upload the file.

The next screen will show you if the module was installed succesfull.

Go to Modules --> Site modules and publish the new installed module.
Thats all for now. In the future there will be tutorials about how to arrange modules on your mambo site.


When following the below instructions to install your Joomla Template you must already have the Joomla CMS installed on your website and you must have downloaded your template and have it readily available.

Step 1 in Installing a Joomla Template:

The file that you have downloaded from will have a file name similar to:

Locate the folder on your hard drive where that template was downloaded to, and extract the zip file with WinZip or another similar extraction program. Extracting the file is typically as simple as right-clicking the file and clicking on "extract to here" as illustrated below:

Extracting a Joomla Template
After you have successfully extracted your files you will have a folder name similar to TS-JOOMLA-TemplateName which will contain 3 subfolders named PSD, HTML, and JoomlaTemplate as pictured below:
3 Sub Folders
No further steps are required with these folders until you reach Step 4 of this tutorial.

Step 2 in Installing a Joomla Template:

Log into your Joomla Administration Section. This is typically at a URL that looks similar to the below:

After you have logged in, the administration section's "Control Panel" page will appear as shown:

Joomla Control Panel
Step 3 in Installing a JoomlaTemplate:

On the top menu of the Joomla toolbar, mouse-over the "Installers
" menu, then move your mouse down to "Templates - Site" option and click on it as pictured below:
Joomla Control Panel 2
Step 4 in Installing a Joomla Template:

You will now be taken to the template upload page. Once you arrive on this page, click the "Browse..." button that is located in the "Upload Package File" section, and marked with the red arrow below:
Joomla Control Panel 3
A Pop-up Box will now appear for you to upload your template. Navigate through your computer to the folder that you extracted in Step 1 of this tutorial, then double-click on the sub folder named "JoomlaTemplate". Next, click on the zip file that is located within the "JoomlaTemplate" folder and click on open. The name of this zip file will be different for each template you download.
Joomla Template Upload
After you have clicked the open button, the pop-up box will automatically close, and you will be returned to the "Install new template" page. The path of the skin will appear in the "Package File" field, and your next step is to simply press the "Upload File and Install" button as indicated by the red arrow below:
Joomla Control Panel 4
Step 5 in Installing a Joomla Template:

After your upload has completed you will be taken to the "Upload template - Success" page shown below. On this page clck the "Continue ..." button that is marked with the red arrow.
Joomla Upload Success
Step 6in Installing a Joomla Template:

You have the final step in installing your new Joomla Template. Simply select the template name that you uploaded in step 4 of this tutorial by clicking on the Radio Button next to the name of the template, and then click the "Default" button located just under the main toolbar section at the top of red. This button is highligted in red below:
Joomla Template Manager
That's it! The selected Joomla Template will now appear with a green check mark next to the template name:
Joomla Default
you can you reload your website page where Joomla is installed and enjoy your newly skinned Joomla site!

Install Templates

Manually Installing Templates

He have learned about how to install automaticaly Joomla templates. Now, let's try to install Joomla templates manually. This is a small tutorial about how to install templates manually.

Let's begin:

Get your zip files from our (or other) website. Unzip the file on your computer.

Log on with your ftp client on your site.

Find "Templates" folder on your root site and upload unzipped directory. The structure should look like this: /templates/mody_bluelight/index.php.

Log on your Mambo administration section. Go to Site --> Template Manager --> Site Templates
Select your new template from the list and publish it.

Go to Site --> Preview --> In new window

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